Waterproof Touch Fingerkey & Reader
>Capacitive Fingerprint Sensor,touch keypad
>One relay,1000 users (988 common users + 2 panic users +10 visitor users)
>Card Type:125KHz EM Card/13.56Mhz Mifare Card
>Wiegand 26~44bits,56bits,58 bits input & output
>Can be used as Wiegand reader with LED & buzzer output
>User data can be transferred (except fingerprint users)
>Integrated alarm & Buzzer output
>Built-in light dependent resistor(LDR) for anti tamper
>Backlit keypad,can set automatic OFF after 20 seconds
>2 devices can be interlocked for 2 doors
>Two versions for optional: EM version, and EM+Mifare version